

BBNC collaborates with community agencies, networks and newcomer leaders to support recent immigrant residents and ethno-racialized groups to fully navigate life in our communities. Using a community development model, we strive to deliver quality programs that bridge service gaps while fostering social inclusion. Activities have included inclusive wellness and recreation programming, physical literacy training, newcomer seniors programs, leadership development, civic engagement, volunteer placements, BBNC’s SHARE365 anti-poverty program, and information and referral services.

Bengali-Tamil Seniors Recreation Program

This 4-agency partnership project, launched in the Fall of 2013, has provided over 220 Bengali and Tamil seniors in Scarborough with inclusive social and wellness programming weekly, at 4 agency sites. Generously funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation, the project supported many seniors from these underserved groups to expand their physical activity, build vital community connections, reduce social isolation, and empower their civic voices, thereby improving their settlement outcomes.

Participants recieve many benefits, including:

  • An informal drop-in space
  • Healthy living workshops
  • Board and active games
  • Creative arts expression – music, drama, dance
  • Bengali-Tamil and Canadian cultural celebrations
  • Civic education and activities
  • Community outings

In 2016, its third and final year of Ontario Trillium Foundation funding, the program created Senior’s advisory committees at partner sites as the Scarborough programs transitioned to a more peer-led model with seniors taking on greater governance duties with agency supports. We are happy to say that the program continues at all partner sites with partial funding while longer term funding is pursued to sustain this high impact program at the south Scarborough area.

Bengali Program Sites

The Bengali Senior recreation program
operates at the following locations:

  • Birchmount Bluffs Neighbourhood Centre
  • West Scarborough Neighbourhood Centre
  • Harmony Hall Centre for Seniors/Call-A-Service

Tamil Program Sites

The Tamil Senior recreation program operates at the following locations:

  • Warden Woods Community Centre
  • Harmony Hall Centre for Seniors/Call-A-Service

Bengali Seniors Recreation Program at BBNC

Bengali seniors in Scarborough with recreation barriers come together each Tuesday at BBNC for an afternoon of inclusive physical and social activities. Supported by a seniors advisory group, members choose from healthy living activities, table games, arts activities, civic engagement, inter-cultural celebrations and trips. Healthy refreshments are enjoyed at each visit

The program takes place every Tuesday from 1:00-3:00 pm at BBNC (93 Birchmount Road). Please note that participants must have a BBNC Memership to attend. For program inquiris, please contact Ayesha Shirien at 647-621-6546 or