About Share365

About SHARE365

    Currently we work with 250 families (700+ individuals)
  • 87% of these families are female led
  • 25% include at lease 1 individual with a disability
  • 67% of all participants are children newborn to 18 years of age
  • 100+ families are on a waiting list, hoping to be helped>
    We engage in a wrap around approach based on each families needs to support them.
    This may include:
  • 2-3 boxes of household cleaning or hygiene products annually
  • A box full of fresh fruit and vegetables twice a month
  • Subsidized Nursery School for children 2 1/2 – 5 years of age
  • Subsidized fitness classes for overall wellness
  • Free programs for adult socialization
  • Informal counseling and referrals to available resources
  • Skill building and training experiences that provide improved employment opportunities


According to our participants, there have been positive inflections of change has a direct impact of SHARE365. Here are some of the results of our most recent survey:

In regards to the Good Food Box, 97% of participants agreed that “the program makes sure I eat better.”

Through Financial Literacy programs, we have seen a 22% decrease in the number of participants who use money lending companies. One participant shared that they “no longer buy groceries on credit card[s], no longer rotate credit cards.”

Social isolation is a major issue for those in poverty but 72% agreed: “[The] Good Food Box is nutritious but social interaction sustains me”

93% of the surveyed participants offered that their involvement contributed to improved physical, emotional and social wellness. As one participant said, “I’m able to look at life with a better attitude – especially when I took yoga.”